The theme of A LA RUSSE Anastasia Romantsova collection Spring-summer 2016 unfolds around a journey to an empress’s garden bursting with the mythical five-leaved lilac in full bloom.
The heroine’s dream is to discover the lilac garden of the last Russian Empress. Filled with the belief in all her wishes and desires coming true in this garden, she is rushing there across steppes, deserts, forests and mountains.
Her wardrobe for the lengthy way contains safari style clothes and silhouettes of the 70st, silk and cotton robe-gowns, flowing dresses and oriental style trousers, shorts and safari jackets. Hats and weightless, soaring capes hide her face and shoulders from the scorching sun.
She discovers new countries with their custom and cultures on her stops, drawing bohemian outfits out of her luggage: dresses, jumpsuits, tunics and feminine costumes.
Flowing silk and handmade embroidery contrast with rougher fabrics – suede, linen and jacquard. While gold, beige and lilac colors stand against cold chocolate, olive and gray. Magical, illusory lilac prints give us a breath of the fresh air – like an oasis in a desert. With large, fancy flowers of white and violet on the one side and tiny, fragrant, slightly wet ones seem to fill her chest with the spirit of the coming summer. Accents are both naïve and feminine patterns executed with the two old techniques, satin-stitch and cross-stitch.